If you live in Miami, you know that it is never too early to prepare for hurricane season. After all, strong winds of any kind can impart great damage to your home, which is why you need to fortify it against these threatening weather conditions.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a fortune to prepare your abode for the lashing winds and gusty rains. Check out these simple steps that you can begin implementing as early as now.

Tackle Those Trees

Trees are a great way to improve your home’s curb appeal, but they can also turn into a liability during hurricane season—the wind can hurl snapped tree branches through your windows, for example. Therefore, be sure to trim trees and shrubs beforehand to avoid any damage to your property.

Fix Your Roof

Your roof is your first line of defense against the elements. This is no more true than during hurricane season. If it has holes or missing shingles, be sure to patch the voids and replace the shingles to prevent rainwater from otherwise dampening your home and valuables. Likewise, keep your gutters clean so that they can divert water away from your roof efficiently, as they are supposed to do.

Get a Storm

Similarly, your front door also keeps the driving rain from entering your home, but it can be damaged by heavy winds. Luckily, you can find impact doors in Miami that withstand strong winds and whatever debris it may be struck by. Even if the glass in these doors is damaged, it does not shatter on impact, thereby keeping you safe from flying shards.

Keep a Disaster Supply Kit

When preparing for hurricane season, you should always plan for the worst. Hence, cobble together a disaster supply kit to help get your family sustain a calamitous event. It should include essentials such as a flashlight, batteries, first aid supplies, prescription medications, cash, important documents, and ample food. Make sure that you learn more about disaster preparedness.

For residents of Miami, hurricane season is a fact of life to which everyone must adjust. But by following these simple tips, you can minimize the risk of home damage and keep your family safe during this tumultuous season.